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Gut, Brain & PrimeJack®

Gut Brain & PrimeJack®In food and health, we are beginning a fascinating revolution: the connection between our gut and brain is becoming increasingly understood. With these discoveries in mind, we present PrimeJack®, an innovative ingredient that perfectly aligns with these insights. This 100% natural product from young jackfruit offers new possibilities for a healthier lifestyle and sustainable eating patterns.

Are you a food producer looking for a healthy and natural ingredient? This piece highlights the importance of fiber-rich and natural foods and the role PrimeJack® can play in this.

girl showing the fibers of the jackfruit

The Important Role of a Healthy Gut microbiome

Our gut microbiome plays an essential role in the communication between the gut and the brain. Your gut has billions of bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and fungi that form your microbiome. This microbiome produces neurotransmitters that directly influence our mood and cognition. A large portion of serotonin, the "happiness hormone," is even produced in the gut. A disturbed gut microbiome can lead to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. Therefore, maintaining a healthy gut microbiome is essential not only for our body but also for our mental well-being.

Your Second Brain: The Gut

Did you know your gut is often called your "second brain"? This name comes from the complex gut-brain axis, a communication system that works in both directions. This means that your brain affects your body, and your gut influences your brain. For example, stress can cause stomach problems, and your gut can also affect your mood.

Additionally, a large part of your immune system resides in your gut. A healthy microbiome helps regulate inflammation and protect against physical and mental health issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and mental illnesses associated with chronic conditions like depression and anxiety.

The Crucial Role of Gut Bacteria

The billions of bacteria in our gut form the microbiome and play an essential role in the communication between the gut and the brain. These bacteria produce various substances that affect both our physical and mental health.

Besides neurotransmitters, the microbiome also plays a significant role in producing short-chain fatty acids. These are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and support the integrity of the gut lining. This is crucial to keep harmful substances out and ensures good communication between the gut and the brain.

Dietary fibers are essential nutrients for a healthy diet and are crucial for maintaining a healthy microbiome. Despite the importance of fiber for health, most people do not get the recommended daily intake. This deficit can lead to a disturbed microbiome, which in turn can negatively affect the functioning of the gut-brain axis.

PrimeJack®: A Natural Revolution in Food

PrimeJack® has an impressive fiber content of no less than 57%. This makes it an ideal ingredient for blended and hybrid products, improving Nutri-Score and contributing to increased fiber intake. These fibers are beneficial for nutritional value and contribute to a meat-like texture in products.

PrimeJack® contains a mix of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers, each with unique and important properties for maintaining a healthy microbiome and digestion.

The Health Benefits of PrimeJack®

  • PrimeJack® acts as a prebiotic, essential food for bacteria in your gut, supporting a healthy gut microbiome.

  • The fibers in PrimeJack® promote a healthy microbiome and support a well-functioning immune system.

  • Dietary fibers help regulate blood sugar levels, contributing to stable energy and mood.

  • The fibers provide a lasting feeling of fullness, which can aid in weight management.

  • Some fibers help lower LDL cholesterol, promoting heart health.

  • PrimeJack® Fiber Composition

  • 46,8% Insoluble fiber with high molecular weight (IDF): These fibers add bulk to the stool and help prevent constipation.

  • 13,7% Soluble fiber with high molecular weight (SDFP): These fibers dissolve in water and create a gel-like layer around the gut lining. They slow digestion, allowing the microbiome to absorb more nutrients. Moreover, this gel-like layer softens the stool.

  • 0,7% Soluble fiber with low molecular weight (SDFS): These fibers help regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. They are easily fermented by gut bacteria, producing beneficial short-chain fatty acids.

  • The total dietary fiber content in PrimeJack® is 61,2% (TDF = IDF + SDFP + SDFS). This associates PrimeJack® with improved digestion, a reduced risk of chronic diseases, and better weight management. (Note: this effect is diluted upon rehydration).

The total soluble fiber in PrimeJack® is 14,4% (SDF = SDFP + SDFS). The use of PrimeJack® contributes to lowering cholesterol, controlling blood sugar levels, and promoting satiety, which can help with weight control. (Note: this effect is diluted upon rehydration).

Hybrid Products: The Best of Both Worlds

One of the most promising applications of PrimeJack® is in creating hybrid meat products. This concept combines the familiar taste, texture, and protein source of meat with the health and sustainability benefits of plant-based ingredients.

The rise of hybrid meat products is no surprise. More than half of the Netherlands identifies as flexitarian, and hybrid meat offers a good compromise for the conscious consumer who is not yet ready for a meatless diet. Replacing a portion of meat has a significant impact on the ecological footprint—much more than we can achieve in the short term by promoting a fully plant-based diet. Moreover, it makes the meat product cheaper and, as described, much healthier.

Plant-Based Ingredients Choice

In recent months, meat producers have begun experimenting with various plant-based ingredients in their hybrid products. There is a range of textured vegetables suitable for blending with meat, such as those derived from peas, beans, or beets. Since the meat portion contains sufficient protein, these plant-based ingredients mainly add fiber, and it's important that they don't compromise the taste or texture of the meat.

Among the possible fiber-rich plant ingredients for mixing with meat, PrimeJack® stands out as one of the few 100% natural and unprocessed ingredients. The big difference between unprocessed and processed ingredients is that natural plant ingredients contain fewer added sugars, salt, and unhealthy fats compared to processed ones.

The second major advantage of PrimeJack® over other fiber-rich ingredients is that it can be mixed into meat at high percentages without the need for taste-masking additives. Up to 40% of a meat product can be replaced by PrimeJack®, compared to the 7% of processed alternatives, which are also supplemented with unnatural additives.

To meet the recommended 30 to 40 grams of fiber per day, a hybrid meat product with PrimeJack® is a healthy choice, as it can provide up to 5 grams of good fiber. This is particularly important because PrimeJack® can retain up to 8 times its weight in water. This is crucial for smooth digestion, as plant fibers absorb and retain a lot of water during digestion.

The Future of Food: Health and Sustainability Hand in Hand

PrimeJack® represents more than just a healthy ingredient: it embodies a shift towards a more sustainable future. Since PrimeJack® is dried at the source, it also helps reduce the ecological footprint of our food system. Jackfruit production has a much lower environmental impact than meat production and other plant-based ingredients, making PrimeJack® a sustainable choice.

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